Dear Liu Qiang,
How are you now? Well,I hope you're enjoying my school in New York.I like your school inBeijing, but I'm not feeling very well at the moment.I am tired and have a lot of headaches. And I'mstressed out because my Putonghua is not improving.I really need some conversation practice! Ithink I have a cold,too. Oh,dear!
TEAChinG OBjECtivEs:
(1) StuDEnts &nBsp;lEAm thE nEw phrAsEs "BE(not)FEElinG wEll, hAvE A lot oF hEADAChEs, strEss out, hAvE A ColD"in thE ContExt AnD unDErstAnD thE ContEnt ClEArly.
(2) StuDEnts GEt inFormAtion From thE rEADinG mAtEriAl throuGh skimminG, sCAnninG AnD CArEFulrEADinG.
(3)StuDEnts hAvE ConsCiousnEss oF ExprEssinG thEir trouBlEs AnD know how to CopE with thEm.TEAChinG KEy Points:MAstEr thE nEw phrAsEs AnD unDErstAnD thE rEADinG mAtEriAl.TEAChinG DiFFiCult Points:Know how to CopE with thE trouBlEs.
TEAChinG ProCEDurEs:
&nBsp;StEp l PrE-rEADinG(10 minutEs)
ThE tEAChEr projECts A short Film DEAlinG with ForEiGn ExChAnGED stuDEnts' stuDy liFE.
T:lmAGinE you ArE An ExChAnGED stuDEnt in AForEiGn Country. WhEn you GEt in trouBlE, whAt woulD you likE to Do?
Sl:Ask my ClAssmAtEs For hElp.
S2: Ask my tEAChErs For hElp.
S3:1will CAll my pArEnts.
T:YEAh,whEn you ArE in trouBlE,you CAn Ask somE BoDy For hElp. Also,you mAy writE A lEttEr toyour FriEnD to tAlk ABout it.Liu QiAnG AnD ChArlEs ArE ExChAnGED stuDEnts. LEt us sEE whAt ChArlEs'strouBlE is.
(JustiFiCAtion: ThE short Film CAn stimulAtE stuDEnts' Curiosity ABout thE topiC, &nBsp;ArousE stuDEnts'intErEsts,AnD hElp thE tEAChEr lEAD in thE ClAss smoothly.)
StEp 2 WhilE-rEADinG(15 minutEs)
( l)SkimminG
ThE tEAChEr Asks stuDEnts to rEAD thE pAssAGE quiCkly AnD FinD out thE nEw phrAsEs. ThE tEAChErExplAins thE nEw phrAsEs in EnGlish with thE hElp oF BoDy lAnGuAGEs. ThEn thE stuDEnts summArizEAnD DisCuss thE mAin iDEA oF thE pAssAGE.
( 2)SCAnninG
ThE tEAChEr Asks stuDEnts to rEAD thE pAssAGE AGAin to AnswEr somE spECiFiC quEstions:
①Why DoEs thE stuDEnt FEEl so strEssED out?
②How DoEs hE CopE with his strEss?
③WhiCh thinG is GooD to thE stuDEnt?
ThEn thE tEAChEr Asks stuDEnts to DisCuss in Groups AnD AnswEr thEsE quEstions
(3)CArEFul READinG
ThE tEAChEr invitEs stuDEnts to rEAD thE pAssAGE sEntEnCE By sEntEnCE AnD thEn ExplAins somE DiF-FiCult sEntEnCEs in thE ContExt suCh As "I Am tirED AnD hAvE A lot oF hEADAChEs". StuDEnts will knowthAt thE mEAninG oF"hEADAChEs"in thE ContExt is "somEthinG CAusEs worry".
(JustiFiCAtion: ThE thrEE wAys oF rEADinG CAn hElp stuDEnts totAlly unDErstAnD thE pAssAGE AnDknow thE ExprEssions oF trouBlEs. StuDEnts CAn Also improvE thE rEADinG skills oF skimminG, sCAnninGAnD CArEFul rEADinG stEp By stEp. )
StEp 3 Post-rEADinG(15 minutEs)
TAsk l Fillin thE ChArt
ThE tEAChEr Asks stuDEnts to think ABout A quEstion"WhAt shoulD thE stuDEnt Do/not Do?"
AFtEr thEir thinkinG,thE tEAChEr invitEs thEm to Fill in thE ChArt:
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;TrouBlEs |
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;ADviCE |
strEssED out |
&nBsp; |
PutonGhuA is not improvinG |
&nBsp; |
nEED somE ConvErsAtion prACtiCE |
&nBsp; |
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;hAvE A ColD |
&nBsp; |
&nBsp;&nBsp; TAsk 2 IntErviEw
ThE tEAChEr DiviDEs stuDEnts into sEvErAl Groups. OnE stuDEnt in thE Group ACts As A rEportEr AnDintErviEws thE othErs ABout thEir ADviCE on somE trouBlE. ThE intErviEwEEs shoulD GivE ADviCE As possi-BlE As thEy CAn.
(JustiFiCAtion:ThEsE ACtivitiEs hElps stuDEnts ConsoliDAtE thE ContEnt oF this ElAss , AnD thE intEr-viEw ACtivity will CultivAtE thEir ABility oF CommuniCAtion with EACh othEr. ThE DisCussion CAn stimu-lAtE stuDEnts' imAGinAtion. &nBsp;)
StEp 4 SummAry AnD HomEwork( 5 minutEs) SummAry:ThE tEAChEr Asks stuDEnts to rEtEll thE pAssAGE ACCorDinG to thE BlACkBoArD. HomEwork:StuDEnts writE A lEttEr to ChArlEs AnD GivE somE ADviCE to him. (JustiFiCAtion:ThE summAry will hElp stuDEnts rECAll thE ContEnt oF thE ClAss. ThE homEwork is toCultivAtE stuDEnts' ABility oF ExprEssinG thEir iDEAs in A loGiCAl wAy. &nBsp;)
BlACkBoArD DEsiGn:
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;TrouBlEs |
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;ADviCE |
strEssED out |
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;TAkE EAsy |
PutonGhuA is not improvinG |
FinD somE nEw wAys |
nEED somE ConvErsAtion prACtiCE |
TAlk As possiBlE As hE CAn |
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;hAvE A ColD |
&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;HAvE A rEst |