teaching objectives
teaching contents
key and difficult points
majoy steps and time allocation
activities and justification
The trick of eating healthily is remembering that no food in itself is good or bad;eating properly depends on eating the right variety of food in the right amount.Too much of even the most “healthy”food can lead to illness and disorders.
If you like a snack,avoid chocolate and crisps and head for fruit,filled rolls,soup and baked potatoes instead.Sugar-free breakfast cereals are also a good bet.
Recommended servings per day |
Fruit and Vegetables |
Meat,Fish,Poultry,Eggs,Beans,and Nuts |
Good sources of vitamins A and C,also contain fiber,folic acid,vitamin E and iron.Aim for at least 5 servings per day. |
These provide protein,iron and B vitamins.Have 2 to 3 servings per day with plenty of variety. |
Milk,Cheese and Yoghurt |
Bread,Cereals,Pasta,Brown Rice,Noodles and potatoes. |
These provide protein,calcium and B vitamins.Have 2 to 3 servings per day and choose low fat varieties. |
These provide fiber,B vitamins(including folic acid) and some iron.Choose wholegrain varieties and have at least 5 to 6 servings per day. |
TEAChinG oBjECtivEs
( 1 ) KnowlEDGE oBjECtivEs:
①To mAstEr&nBsp; thE&nBsp; FollowinG&nBsp; worDs&nBsp; AnD&nBsp; ExprEssions: hEAlthy, hEAlthily, Amount, snACk, BAkE, rECommEnD , proviDE , vAriEty ,lEAD&nBsp; to.
②To lEArn AnD tAlk ABout thEir own DAily DiEt.
(2) ABility oBjECtivEs:
①To prACtiCE thE rEADinG ABility By skimminG,sCAnninG AnD rEADinG ComprEhEnsion.
②To improvE thE spEAkinG ABility By tAlkinG ABout whAt is thE sCiEntiFiC AnD hEAlthy EAtinG.
( 3 ) Emotion oBjECtivEs:
To DEvElop sCiEntiFiC AnD hEAlthy EAtinG hABits AnD lEArn to lovE AnD trEAsurE thEir liFE.
TEAChinG kEy point:
( 1 ) StuDEnts CAn&nBsp; mAstEr thE FollowinG worDs AnD ExprEssions: hEAlthy, hEAlthily, Amount, snACk,
BAkE , rECommEnD , proviDE , vAriEty ,lEAD&nBsp; to.
( 2) StuDEnts CAn improvE thEir rEADinG,spEAkinG,listEninG AnD writinG skills.
TEAChinG DiFFiCult point:
(1) How to mAkE stuDEnts mAstEr thE FollowinG worDs AnD ExprEssion:hEAlthy,hEAlthily,Amount,
snACk , BAkE , rECommEnD , proviDE , vAriEty ,lEAD&nBsp; to.
( 2) How to mAkE stuDEnts improvE thEir rEADinG,spEAkinG,listEninG AnD writinG skills
(3) How to mAkE stuDEnts Form thE hABit oF EAtinG hEAlthily.
TEAChinG mEthoDs:
TAsk-BAsED tEAChinG,orAl prACtiCE,Qs AnD As,pAir work,EtC.
TEAChinG AiDs :multi-mEDiA
rEAChinG proCEDurEs:
StEp 1 WArminG up AnD lEAD-in(5 minutEs.)
BrAinstorm:Qs AnD As
(1) WhAt Do you EAt EvEry mEAl?&nBsp; List thE FooD.
(2) Do you EAt hEAlthily?
( JustiFiCAtion:To GEt stuDEnts to ComBinE lEAminG EnGlish with DAily liFE. Also,it's EAsy For thEm to
sAy somEthinG ConCErninG thEir liFE. )
StEp 2 PrE-rEADinG(8 minutEs)
DisCussion :
WhAt's thE mEAninG oF EAtinG propErly in your opinion?
First stuDEnts CAn ExprEss thEir opinions,thEn tEAChEr lEADs thE topiC to thE tExt.
(JustiFiCAtion:To GEt stuDEnts to know ClEArly whAt is hEAlthy AnD propEr EAtinG. )
StEp 3 WhilE-rEADinG(17 minutEs)
( 1 ) FAst rEADinG
READ thE tExt quiCkly AnD try to Fill in thE BlAnks ACCorDinG to thE tExt.
VAriEtiEs oF FooD |
ContAin/proviDE |
SErvinGs pEr DAy |
Fruit AnD vEGEtABlEs |
&nBsp; |
&nBsp; |
Milk,ChEEsC AnD yoGhurt |
&nBsp; |
&nBsp; |
MEAl,Fish,poultry... |
&nBsp; |
&nBsp; |
BrEAD,CErFEAls,pAstA.. |
&nBsp; |
&nBsp; |
( JustiFiCAtion:'ro GEt stuDEnts to lEArn thE DEtAils oF hEAlthy AnD propEr EAtinG. ThE ChArt proviDEs
thE nutriEnt oF DiFFErEnt vAriEtiEs oF FooD,so stuDEnts CAn GEt thE ConCrEtE knowlEDGE oF nutriEnt. )
( 2) ListEninG
AFtEr stuDEnts hAvE FinishED thE tAsk,GivE thEm A listEninG prACtiCE.
(IntEnsion:StuDEnts CAn GEt A BEttEr unDErstAnDinG oF thE tExt. )
( 3 ) IntEnsivE&nBsp; rEADinG
READ AGAin AnD Do thE TruE or FAlsE ExErCisE:
①EAtinG propErly mEAns EAtinG only thE riGht vAriEty oF FooD.
②EAtinG too muCh hEAlthy FooD hAs no BAD EFFECts on hEAlth.
③Soup,BAkED potAtoEs,Crisps AnD ChoColAtE ArE AvAilABlE For snACk.
④Milk ,ChEEsE AnD yoGhurt ArE GooD For our hEAlth,so wE CAn ChoosE thE low FAt vAriEtiEs AnD hAvE
2 to 3 sErvinGs EvEry DAy.
⑤In orDEr to kEEp hEAlthy,wE shoulD EAt Fruit AnD vEGEtABlEs EvEry DAy without limit.
(IntEnsion:AFtEr thE intEnsivE rEADinG,stuDEnts CAn FurthEr unDErstAnD thE tExt. )
(4) VoCABulAry AnD phrAsEs lEAminG
ChoosE thE CorrECt Forms oF thE FollowinG worDs AnD ExprEssions to ComplEtE thE sEntEnCEs.hEAlthy , hEAlthily , Amount , snACk , BAkE , rECommEnD , proviDE , vAriEty ,lEAD&nBsp; to.
①In orDEr to stAy _,wE shoulD EAt _.
( JustiFiCAtion:By DoinG thE ExErCisE stuDEnts CAn mAstEr thE kEy worDs AnD ExprEssions. )
StEp 4 Post-rEADinG( 10 minutEs)
ConsoliDAtion :
( 1 ) Group work
DiviDE stuDEnts into sEvErAl Groups,AnD GivE thEm An AssiGnmEnt. ThEy CAn First DisCuss it in Groups,GivE thEir own opinions AnD thEn ChoosE A mEmBEr to prEsEnt to ClAssmAtEs.
AssiGnmEnt:SupposE you ArE A Cook in our sChool CAntEEn,whAt mEAl woulD you sErvE onTuEsDAy? List your mEnu,AnD GivE your rEAsons For it.
( 2) WritinG
WritE An EssAy ABout thE mEnu,ACCorDinG to whAt wE Do in Group Work. IF thEy CAn Finish in
ClAss,ChoosE 1 or 2 stuDEnts to rEAD BEForE All thE stuDEnts;iF not,thEy CAn Finish it AFtEr ClAs8.
( JustiFiCAtion:ThE stuDEnts hAvE lEAmED mAny AspECts oF thE tExt-listEninG,spEAkinG AnD rEADinG,
it's timE to GEt stuDEnts to writE Down whAt thEy hAvE lEArnED in this pErioD. )
StEp 5 SummAry AnD homEwork(5 minutEs)
(1) Finish thE writinG AFtEr ClAss iF stuDEnts CAn't Finish it in ClAss.
(2) Do ExErCisEs oF this pArk on thE ExErCisE Book.
(3)PrEviEw thE nExt lEsson.
( JustiFiCAtion:StuDEnts CAn rEviEw AnD ConsoliDAtE whAt thEy hAvE lEArnED in ClAss. )