Teaching objectives
Key and difficult points
Major steps and time allocation
Activities and justifications
&nBsp;TEAChinG oBjECtivEs
KnowlEDGE oBjECtivE:
&nBsp;(1) StuDEnts CAri know ABout thE AttriButivE ClAusE with &nBsp;A &nBsp;prEposition AFtEr AnAlysis oF &nBsp;lonG sEntEnCEs.
(2)StuDEnts CAn GrAsp thE usE oF thE nEw worDs:lEGAl,out oF work,stAtE EtC.
&nBsp;ABility oBjECtivE:
(1) StuDEnts CAn unDErstAnD thE mEAninG oF thE nEw worDs throuGh trAnslAtion AnD pArAphrAsE.
(2) StuDEnts CAn lEArn ABout thE tEChniquE oF CompArison to DEpiCt thE ChArACtEr AFtEr this lEsson.
Emotion oBjECtivE:
&nBsp;AFtEr DEBAtE AnD DisCuss,thE 8tuDEnts CAn rEAlizE thAt MAnDElA's politiCAl viEws ArE not DEsirABlE
m EvEryDAy liFE. ProBlEms shoulD BE sEtDED pEACEFully rAthEr thAn AnswEr violEnCE with violEnCE.
TEAChinG kEy point:
To unDErstAnD lonG sEntEnCEs AnD voCABulAry From thE ContExt.
TEAChinG DiFFiCult point:
To lEArn thE AttriButivE ClAusE with A prEposition.
TEAChinG &nBsp;AiDs : Multi~mEDiA , PPT , viDEo
&nBsp;TEAChinG proCEDurEs:
StEp l &nBsp;PrE-rEADinG (5 minutE8)
&nBsp;(l)GuEssinG whAt thE numBErs mEAn? WAtCh A Clip oF viDEo AnD know somEthinG ABout NElson
MAnDElA. 1,27 ,93 。
&nBsp;( 2 ) PrEDiCtinG
BAsED on thE titlE,whAt quEstions CAn you rAisE?
&nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:ThE stEp Aims At stuDEnts' prEDiCtion AnD intErEst in thE lEsson. )
&nBsp;StEp 2 &nBsp;WhilE-rEADinG(25 minutEs)
&nBsp;( I ) ChECkinG
READ PArAGrAph onE. ChECk somE oF thE prEDiCtion quEstions.
&nBsp;( 2) ComprEhEnDinG
&nBsp;AnswEr thE FollowinG quEstions BAsED on thE pArAGrAph.
&nBsp;①Why DiD EliAs visit NElson MAnDElA?
( UsE your own worDs to ExplAin:HE oFFErED GuiDAnCE to poor BlACk pEoplE on thEir lEGAl proBlEm.
HE wAs GEnErous with his timE,For whiCh I wAs GrAtEFul. )
②Why DiD EliAs sAy it wAs A DiFFiCult timE? WhAt proBlEm DiD hE mEEt?
③From whAt MAnDElA DiD,whAt quAlitiEs Do you think hE hAs?
&nBsp;UsE your own worDs to ExplAin thE sEntEnCE"ThE lAst thirty yEArs hAvE sEEn thE GrEAtEst numBEr oF
&nBsp;lAws stoppinG our riGhts AnD proGrEss,until toDAy wE hAvE rEAChED A stAGE whErE wC hAvE Almost no
riGhts At All..."WhAt DoEs"stAGE"in this sEntEnCE mEAn? WhAt BiGGEst prohlEm Do you think BlACk
pEoplE hAD?
④Why AnD whEn DiD MAnDElA turn to violEnCE to mAkE BlACk AnD whitE pEoplE EquAl?
⑤DiD EliAs AGrEE with MAnDElA to AnswEr violEnCE with violEnCE? Why or why not?
&nBsp; ( 3 ) READinG For thinkinG
Why DiD thE writEr writE thE story?
Jn whAt wAys DiD thE writEr tEll us ABout MAnDElA?
( JustiFiCAtion:ThE quEstions hElp stuDEnts to DEvElop thE rEADinG skills suCh As unDErstAnDinG nEw
&nBsp;worDsForthEContExt,rEADinG ForGist.ThEskillsEnABlEth Emto
StEp 3 &nBsp;Post-rEADinG(8 minutEs)
DEBAtinG:lF our riGhts ArE violAtED.shoulD wE AnswEr violEnCE with violEnCE?
Y:WE shoulD. Only in thAt wAy CAn wE GEt our riGht BACk.
N:WE shoulD not. ThErE ArE mAny wAy8 to GEt our riGht BACk BEsiDEs violEnCE.
( JustiriCAtion:ThE DEBAtinG CAn hElp thEm ConsoliDAtE whAt thEy hAvE lEArnED. AnD thEir spEAkinGABility CAn BE improvED in thE CommuniCAtion. )
HomEwork ( 2 &nBsp;minutEs)
&nBsp;( 1) WritE A summAry oF thE rEADinG pAssAGE within 80 worDs.
&nBsp;( 2) RECitE MAnDElA's worDs.
(JustiFiCAtion:ThE homEwork woulD rEviEw thE knowlEDGE lEAmED in ClAss AnD thE ContEnL AnDJAnGuAGE oF thE pAssAGE will BEComE ConCEms For stuDEnts. )