Teaching objectives
Key and difficult poinls
Major steps and time allocation
Activities and justifications
Early Cinema
The cinema did not emerge as a form of mass consumption until its technology evolved from the initial "peepshow" format to the point where images were projected on a screen in a darkened theater.In the peepshow format,a film was viewed through a small openinfl; in a machine that was created for that purpose. Thomas Edison's peepshow device,the Kinetoscope,was introduced to the public in 1894.lt was designed for use in Kinetoscope parlors,or arcades,which contained only a few individual machines and permitted only one customer to view a short,50-foot film at any one time. The first Kinetoscope parlors contained five machines. For the price of 25 cents ( or 5 cents per machine) ,customers moved from machine to machine to watch five different films ( or,in thecase of famous prizefights,successive rounds of a single fight).These Kinetoscope arcades were modeled on phonOgraph parlors,which had proven successful for Edison several years earlier. In the phonograph parlors,customers listened to recordings through individual ear tubes,moving from one machine Lo the next to hear different recorded speeches or piece8 of music. The Kinetoscope parlors functioned in a similar way. Edison was more interested in the sale of Kinetoscopes ( for roughly $ 1,000 a piece) to these parlors than in the films that would be run in them ( which cost approximately $ 10 to $ 15 each). He refused to develop projection technology,reasoning that if he made and sold projectors,then exhibitors would purchase only one machirne-a projector-from him instead of several.
&nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp; &nBsp;TEAChinG oBjECtivEs&nBsp;
&nBsp;(1) KnowlEDGE &nBsp;oBjECtivE:
①To unDErstAnD thE mAin iDEA AnD somE DEtAils oF thE pAssAGE.
②To hAvE A BEttEr unDErstAnDinG oF thE pAssAGE AnD tAlk ABout thE EArly CinEmA.
(2) ABility &nBsp;oBjECtivE:
To improvE thE listEninG AnD spEAkinG ABilitiEs By thE EnD oF thE ClAss,EspECiAlly thE ABility oF CAtChinG kEy worDs.
(3)Emotion oBjECtivE:
&nBsp;①AFtEr this lEsson,stuDEnts will hAvE morE intErEst in lEAminG EnGlish.
②StuDEnts will likE to CommuniCAtE with pEoplE in thEir DAily liFE.
TEAChinG kEy point:
To GrAsp DEtAils oF thE pAssAGE AnD summArizE thE mAin iDEA.
TEAChinG DiFFiCult point:
To improvE listEninG ABility,EspECiAlly thE ABility oF CAtChinG kEy worDs.
TEAChinG &nBsp;AiDs: Multi-mEDiA
TEAChinG proCEDurEs:
&nBsp;StEp l LEAD-in(8 minutEs)
(1) &nBsp;GrEEtinG!
(2) Ask stuDEnts to AnswEr two quEstions:
QI:CAn you tEll mE Any invEntors you know?
Q2:CAn you list somE invEntions invEntED By EDison?
( JustiFiCAtion: HElp stuDEnts opEn thEir minDs AnD FoCus on thE ClAss. AnD lEt thEm mEmonzE somE usEFul knowlEDGE.)
&nBsp;(3) PlAy A FrAGmEnt oF silEnt moviE,AnD thEn tEll stuDEnts thAt EDison invEnts thE CinEmA.
&nBsp;(JustiFiCAtion: HElp to stimulAtE stuDEnts' intErEst AnD mAkE surE thAt thErE will BE A quiEt EnvironmEnt.)StEp 2 PrEsEntAtion(20 minutEs)
( 1) ExtEnsivE listEninG
Ask thE stuDEnts to IJstEn to thE wholE pAssAGE ExtEnsivEly AnD AnswEr thE FollowinG quEstions
A. WhAt DoEs it mAinly tAlk ABout?
B. FinD thE topiC sEntEnCE For EACh pArAGrAph.
( JustitiCAtion:HElp stuDEnts unDErstAnD this pAssAGE EAsily AnD improvE thEir ABility suninArizinG. )
&nBsp;( 2) &nBsp;IntEnsivE listEninG
&nBsp;A. Ask thE stuDEnts to listEn to thE pAssAGE AnD FinD out whiCh DEsCription oF viEwinG Films in KinE-
tosCopE pArlors is not truE.
① OnE inDiviDuAl At A timE viEwED A Film.
② EACh Film wAs short.
③ CustomErs CoulD viEw onE Film AFtEr AnothEr.
(JustiFiCAtion: TrrAin thE stuDEnts' listEninG ABility oF sEArChinG inFormAtion in DEtAil in
thE pAssAGE.)
&nBsp;B. Ask thE stuDEnts to listEn to thE tApE AGAin AnD AnswEr thE FollowinG quEstion.
Q:Why DoEs thE Author DisCuss phonoGrAph pArlors in pArAGrAph 2?
&nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:'rrAin stuDEnts' listEninG ABility to sEArCh thE usEFul inFormAtion FAst. )
C. Ask thE stuDEnts to rEAD thE pAssAGE CArEFully AGAin AnD AnswEr quEstions.
Ql:Why DoEs thE Author mEntion "An ArChitECturAl sEttinG" in thE pAssAAGE?
Q2:WhAt DoEs thE worD "thEy" in thE lAst two linEs rEFEr to?
&nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:lmprovE stuDEnts' rEADinG skills For thE spECiFiC inFormAtion AnD hElp stuDEnts hAvE A
BEttEr unDErstAnDinG oF thE pAssAGE. ) &nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;&nBsp;.
StEp 3 ConsoliDAtions (12 minutEs)
(l)Ask thE stuDEnts to listEn to thE tApE twiCE AnD thEn rEAD this pAqsAGE louDly ArounD 5 minutEs.
&nBsp;( JustiFiCAtion:EnhAnCE stuDEnts' unDErstAnDinG oF this pAssAGE. )
(2) TAlk show:Ask thE stuDEnts to tAlk ABout somE moviEs AnD invitE somE oF thEm to introDuCE it &nBsp;in &nBsp;thE Front oF thE ClAssroom ; thE onE who pErForms wEll CAn GEt somE smAll GiFts suCh As CookiEs or ChoColAtE.
(JustiFiCAtion:EnCourAGE stuDEnts to BroADEn thEir horizon AnD hAvE morE ChAnCEs to think ABout thEir rEAl liFE. )
StEp 4 SummAry AnD HomEwork (5 minutEs)
SummAry:ThE tEAChEr invitEs stuDEnts to summArizE thE nEw knowlEDGE whiCh thEy hAvE lEArnED DurinG this ClAss,AnD thEn thE tEAChEr mAkEs A ClEAr summAry.
HomEwork:ThE tEAChEr Asks thE stuDEnts to sEArCh somE mAtEriAls ABout nEw invEntions From thE
IntEmEt AnD shArE thEir FinDinGs on thE nExt ClAss.
(JustiFiCAtion:DiFFErEnt From thE trADitionAl wAy oF AssiGninG homEwork,sEArChinG inFormAtion CAn hElp stuDEnts GEt morE intErEst From thE ClAss AnD ExpAnD thEir knowlEDGE. )