1、People who want the typist's job will be judged __________ how accurate and fast they are. ( 章节:1 难度:3)
- A、in favor of
- B、in terms of
- C、in ways of
- D、in spite of
【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见 点击进入查看
2、The football match had to be _________ owing to (由于) the bad weather. ( 章节:1 难度:3)
- A、Canceled
- B、advanced
- C、arranged
- D、held
【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见 点击进入查看
3、Our institute _______ four teaching buildings, a big language center and several apartment buildings. ( 章节:1 难度:4)
- A、claims
- B、enjoys
- C、boasts
- D、appreciates
【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见 点击进入查看
4、There have been many _____ in their marriage but they still love each other. ( 章节:1 难度:3)
- A、ups and downs
- B、from head to toe
- C、time and again
- D、over and over
【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见 点击进入查看
5、This lovely old town has a _________ you couldn't find in a big city. ( 章节:1 难度:3)
- A、condition
- B、standard
- C、situation
- D、charm
【正确答案-参考解析】:参加考试可见 点击进入查看